For every child who goes to bed hungry, for every family who breaks their fast with nothing—let us share mercy this Ramadaan.
A single meal can turn hunger into hope, from Gaza to South Africa to Malawi and beyond.
This Ramadaan, join AMA to set a table where there was once none…23 Nations, 1 Table. Every meal a mercy.
Feed the fasting in 23 countries:
South Africa | Palestine | Malawi | Mozambique | Lebanon | Afghanistan | Morocco Senegal | Chad | Mali | Niger | Guinea Bissau | Mauritania | Syria | Somalia | Rohingya Sri Lanka | Bangladesh | Uganda | Lesotho | Yemen | Turkey | Comoros
Feed a Community in any of the above countries @ R19000 per day (Iftaar and Suhoor to hundreds of people),
Grocery Hamper for a family @ R1800,
Iftaar / Suhoor Box @ R120
Zakaah, Sadaqah Lillah accepted
As you share of your Mercy to others, May Allah bless you with His Mercy, Aameen
For more info, please contact Nabila on: +27 71 881 6160